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Unbeatable Bridge: Watch This Bridge Destroy Dozens of...

Gefunden in Lustiges

Unbeatable Bridge: Watch This Bridge Destroy Dozens of Trucks and Buses(watch in full-screen mode - it's more fun!)

Truckers of the world! No matter how many times you try it, no matter how much you duck inside your cabin to get through it, no matter how strongly you believe the warning signs don't apply to you, your vehicle is never going to be able to survive an encounter with Durham's 11-foot 8-inch tall bridge. This satisfying video is proof of it. According to , this train trestle is 100 years old, so it was built at a time "when there were no standards for minimum clearance." They are not raising it because the Norfolk Southern Railroad doesn't care: it's their bridge and the only thing they want is to guarantee the safety of their trains.
"As far as they are concerned, they solved that problem by installing the crash beam," 11foot8 says. Any potential solution like raising the bridge or lowering the road is too expensive to be worth it. The city of Durham installed warning signs along the three blocks that precede the bridge, but the imbeciles still keep ramming into it once every month on average.

LikeTeilenMeldenInfo     von Haeschen   am 03.12.2013 um 6:32 Uhr

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