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Gefunden in Lustiges

In the summer of 2006 we solved this problem by buying him his own queen-sized mattress, which he still sleeps on today at the bottom of our bed. But soon we encountered another challenge as George reached doggie puberty. Once, he had grabbed life by the lapels... now he was grabbing onto legs - table legs, chair legs, human legs, he wasn't picky - and doing what all male dogs do with the vigor of a canine giant.
He calmed down in the 'legs' department after we had him neutered, but then he took up a new hobby: eating as if it were an Olympic sport. A sausage on the barbecue was like a siren to a passing sailor. You couldn't turn your back for a minute. And he was so tall that he actually had to bend down to pinch food off kitchen counters. He could reach high shelves as well, so we had to hide everything away in cupboards. Soon, he was getting through around 100 lbs of dry dog food every month.
As he approached his 1st birthday in November 2006, weighing about 14 stone, it was getting physically impossible to make him go anywhere he didn't want to - including the vet's surgery. He had not forgotten the time he went there in possession of his manhood, and came out less than whole. As soon as he recognized the entrance, he refused to move. So I had to take him around to the less familiar back door instead.
For all these troubles, George gave us plenty in return, not least the following year when Christie lost the baby she was carrying. Evidently tuned in to her grief, George was a constant presence at her side. When she sat, he sat too. When she stood, he stood and padded alongside her to wherever she was going.
His personality grew more delightful the bigger he got. A male Great Dane typically weighs from 9-11 stone, but by Christmas 2007 George weighed 15 stone - bigger than most men. At this point, he loved being chauffeured around in my golf cart and would sit in it, his haunches on the seat and front legs on the floor.
By Christmas 2008 our canine colossus weighed 18 stone. A friend suggested he might be a contender for the Guinness Book of Records but we had other things to think about: Christie had discovered that she was pregnant again.

With size comes problems: George the giant barely fits in the back of his owner's SUV


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