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FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...


420 - Morris
FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...

427 - Morris
FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...

459 - House just outside of Morris
FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...

547 - Bridge at St Jean Baptiste
FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...

559 - St Jean Batiste
FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...

694 - Roseau River
FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...

763 - Emerson
FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...

773 - Pembina Border
FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...

839 - House between St Agathe and St Adolphe
FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...

841 - Highway 75 south of Morris
FLOOD PHOTOS - Red River Valley, Manitoba & northern...

LikeTeilenMeldenInfo     von Haeschen   am 17.05.2011 um 6:47 Uhr

vorherige Datei aus Katastrophen, Kriege, Terror (geht auch mit der Pfeiltaste links)?text=Schau Dir das mal an:" title="per WhatsApp teilen" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
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