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Silk Road


read and see the attachment €"Till you see this you won't believe it --- Wow

The Karakoram Highway, extending from Pakistan to China, is fast becoming
recognized as the 8thman-made wonder of the world.

Known informally as the KKH, it is the highest paved international road in the world.

At its peak, near the China/Pakistan border, it is considered to be one of the world's hardest alpine climbs.

The Karakorum Highway connects China and Pakistan across the Karakoram mountain range via the Khunjerab Pass. It's maximum elevation is 4,693 meters (15,397 feet) above sea level.

810 Pakistani and 82 Chinese workers lost their lives in landslides and falls while building the highway.

The route of the KKH traces one of the many paths of the ancient Silk Road, and has a total length of approximately 1,300 Km. (800 miles). 887 Km. (551 miles) in Pakistan and
413 Km. (257 miles) in China. It was started in 1959, and completed 27 years later in 1986


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