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Caution: Graphic Depictions... An extremely powerful...

Gefunden in HerzigesNachdenkliches

Caution: Graphic Depictions... An extremely powerful clip worth watching, whether you've seen it before or not......
Australian Impaired Driving Ad
Great Aussie Ad Campaign!This needs to passed around to every human being who has the keys to a vehicle and the abilityto drive while under the influence... with impaired judgement and the possibility of causing a life-changing incidentfor everyone he or she comes in contact with while in this condition.This is perhaps one of the most intense commercials I've ever seen, and damn well made. I hope that by passing this along to others, it'll make a difference -and if just one life is saved, it'll be worth the effort to simply hit "send" - and maybe save a life in the future.I think Australia should be complimented on having the guts to "tell it like it is", air it on TV,and get this campaign out to all its licensed drivers... it is very moving and very life-like, so it has a strong impact.

LikeTeilenMeldenInfo     von Haeschen   am 04.08.2010 um 8:22 Uhr

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