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Gefunden in Lustigeswitzige Bilder

FW: better than dominos - look at it!!!!!

If you thought
that the people who set up a room full of dominos to have them
knocked over later was amazing, you haven't seen anything yet.

There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in these images. Everything
you see happened in real time exactly as you see it.

The recording required 606 takes and in the first 605 takes there always was
something, usually of minor importance, that didn't work.. It was necessary for
the recording team to install the set-up time after time and it took several
working day and night to achieve this effect.

The recording cost 6 million dollars and it took 3 months to finish, including
engineering design of the sequence.

The duration of the video is only 2 minutes, but every time that Honda shows
the commercial on British television, they make enough money to support any of
us for
the rest of our lives. However, this commercial has turned out to be the most
displayed in the history of the Internet.

Honda execs think that it will pay for itself simply because of the free
showings. When Honda senior execs viewed it, they immediately approved it
hesitation -- including costs.

Everything you see in the sequence (besides the
walls, floor, ramp and
untouched Honda Accord) is part of two automobiles. The voice is that of
Keiller. The commercial was so well received by Honda execs when they saw
that their first comment was how amazing the computer graphics were.

Leertaste => Play/Pause,   M => Ton an/aus (Mute),   H L um 5 Sek. vor-/zurück,   lauter/leiser um 10%

Videoqualität: Auto ✓    Mobile    Standard    High 720p   
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LikeTeilenDownloadMeldenInfo     von gina   am 19.03.2011 um 22:26 Uhr

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