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Gefunden in Lustiges

In the coming months, Christie really threw herself into being a mum to George. As well as a photo album, he had a growth chart... we
were soon reading it in awe. At 5 months he still acted like a puppy, chasing his tail and playing games of fetch and tug-of-war with his favorite bit of rope. But he was already the size of a full-grown Labrador. He was putting on more than 1 pound a day and bounded around like Bambi, skittering on our wooden floors and hurling himself at everything he fancied, including us humans. His displays of affection could leave you pinned temporarily against a wall or a piece of furniture.
His size did not go unnoticed in the outside world. Our local park had a section for puppies, but we were bullied out of it by other owners who were scared George would hurt their pups - but the opposite was true. The smaller dogs ran around and under him, and he'd be constantly side-stepping them, obviously anxious and jittery.
Slowly we realized that our enormous puppy was a big softie.
Besides his terror of being left alone, he had a fear of water. He'd growl anxiously at the side of our swimming pool, alarmed that his pack-members would so willingly place themselves in danger of drowning.
If the pool was his most-hated place, his favorite was our bedroom. Eventually he outgrew the single mattress we placed there for him and preferred instead the comfort of our king-sized bed - sprawling between us like some over-indulged prince while we spent half the night clinging onto the edges.

Paws for thought: George's giant feet dwarf Dave's hand.


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