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FW: How the Bear Crossed the Bridge...

Gefunden in schöne DigitalbilderBildermix   und   Tiere

How the bear
crossed the bridge...This is an incredible story. Read to the end to
see the photos.A bear was walking across the "Rainbow Bridge" in
Truckee, California, on the I-80, California / Nevada State
line, when two cars also crossed the bridge from both directions. The bear
was so scared, with no place to run, made a leap over the side of the bridge.
The motorists stopped their cars in horror of what just happened and ran to the
edge to see how badly the bear was injured. To their amazement, they saw that
bear had somehow grasped the lower ledge of the bridge support as it fell and
pulled itself back up.The authorities were notified that night and after making
an assessment, they decided there was nothing that could be done until the
following morning. Authorities returned at day break to find the bear sleeping
on the ledge of the bridge support. A large, construction style, safety net was
hung under the bridge and the bear was shot with a tranquil dart then safely
lowered to the ground below. .The first line sounds like the opening of
a bad joke but here are the pictures.....And this is how the bear crossed the
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FW: How the Bear Crossed the Bridge... 

FW: How the Bear Crossed the Bridge... 

FW: How the Bear Crossed the Bridge... 

FW: How the Bear Crossed the Bridge... 

FW: How the Bear Crossed the Bridge... 

FW: How the Bear Crossed the Bridge... 

LikeTeilenMeldenInfo     von Butzli   am 30.01.2011 um 20:56 Uhr

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