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Gorgeous Timelapse of The Grand Circle

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Gorgeous Timelapse of The Grand Circle
"Ruby" - America's Southwest
Created by the talented team at Blue Eden.
Filmed over two weeks in Utah and Arizona during November 2012, this clip focuses on "The Grand Circle," a 2000 mile route that winds through Arches National Park, Monument Valley, Bryce Canyon, Zion, Antelope Canyon, the Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, Mesa Verde, Natural Bridges, Canyonlands, and Grand Staircase-Escalante. It's the American Southwest, an ancient landscape of red rock and sand.
Some of the off-the-beaten-path places are breathtaking. The cavern cascades are scenes from the "Subway" trail in Zion National Park. The hike is an exhausting 9 miles, scrambling over rocks and a dozen river crossings. The final stretch goes up slippery cascades into a dark and mysterious tunnel.
Willis Creek is the canyon in the video with water and ice going through it, while Buckskin Paria is the gorge with rugged walls and cracked earth.
Anasazi and Indian ruins are hidden throughout the landscape, and more than once, one finds themselves lost in the red.
Shot with the Nikon D800 and Sony a99. Music by Stephen Anderson. For more videos, please visit the producer's youtube channel at

LikeTeilenMeldenInfo     von Haeschen   am 03.01.2013 um 9:19 Uhr

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