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These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...


This man converts parts of scrapped cars into sculptures worth thousands of dollars. The 46-year-old Australian artist James Corbett creates these sculptures using parts salvaged from old cars.
One of the pieces, a ram of spark plugs, sold for a whopping $23,000
His sculptures are made of gears, spark plugs, exhaust, radiator, anything that the artist can achieve.
After spending weeks dedicated to locating suitable pieces, James meticulously cleans every part and welds them together.
He said: "I was working in a scrap warehouse and a man I know that races stock cars showed me a Trophy made from gear shift levers. I looked at it and I thought that I could do a much better job so I started making my own sculptures."
"After a period of time, people began to become more familiar with what I was doing, and now what I am doing with my life is a dream come true."
"On average, each piece takes a little over two weeks of work, but the larger pieces can take much longer.
Corbett lives in Ningi, Queensland, Australia with his wife Jodie.
Sculptures using pieces of old cars; the French and British cars are James favorites to retrieve.
James says that welding and sculpturing of the parts is not what consumes most of his time. "Often the longest part of the process is finding old parts suitable for sculpture."
The sculptor is exhibiting his work in the Gallery John Davies in Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, England, until December 19.

"My two favorite pieces I've created for this exhibition are the ram and the wild boar, he says.

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

These items below were all fabricated from junk 1950 &...

LikeTeilenMeldenInfo     von Haeschen   am 18.06.2012 um 3:49 Uhr

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