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Dies ist sehr sehenswert, aber mann muss Englisch...

Gefunden in Musik und mehr   und   klasse Sprüche und Witze   und   in Englisch

Dies ist sehr sehenswert, aber mann muss Englisch verstehen...
This is worth seeing even if the subject doesn't interest you - he's a terrific speaker,very astute,and really funny! The video is originally from,an excellent site if you want to seeintelligent,insightful, forward-thinking (& often funny) people and projects in the world.
Dan Phillips creates houses made from 70-80% recycled materials. The creativity he puts to use is as impressive as the tons of materials he saves from the landfill. You'll see decorative details made from eggshells&bottle caps. You'll see rooftops made of license plates! You'll see water faucets for the bathtub made of a Budweiser beer tap!His philosophy is that our collective mindset that aspires towards perfectionis what creates all the waste. From the builders to the homebuyers to the marketers - everyone demands adherence to sterile, conventional norms. If a 2x 4 isn't perfect, it goes in the dump. Dan Philips instead incorporates these blemishes and organic processes. See all the materials he puts to use that were headed for the landfill, and hear his astute, original& truly amusing philosophical take on why we have come to tolerate this level of waste. Bibi FarberNextworldtvP.S. Please share NextworldTV emails and videos with your friends and colleagues.That's how we grow. Thanks.==============================================================

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